Geekup Preston @ Forum Bar

Made it along to Geekup Preston on Monday 16th February 2009 at Forum Bar in the centre of the city.

It was a good night and there was a great turnout, “the biggest ever!” enthused Gemma Cameron (ruby_gem).

The power of twitter and also a bit of a plug from Preston Blog seemed to have done the trick as Preston’s web community came together to discuss all things geeky and not so geeky.

I had a good catch-up with Leyland based web developer Les Cochrane about a project my organisation has employed him to do. UCLan’s web services team also had a few people/and ex-people there so it was good to speak to them and find out what they were up to.

Also met a Wigan based graphic designer, Kerry Sholicar, who is on the hunt for some new projects.

There was also cake, which is a huge bonus. I think there were around 40 people there over the course of the night, including two student journalists. One who had come on the hunt for me (cheers Aidan!) and another from a Geek magazine that they are setting up as part of their course. Not sure if it’ll overtake Wired at any point as the geek’s favoured read but not a bad idea for magazine.

I’m not sure if Forum is the best place to host the event, it seemed a little too big for an event of that size – and I was expecting there to be some sort of presentation or something at some point? But it’s a brilliant chance to network with a community of web professionals.

The next Preston Geekup is being held on Monday 16th March 2009 at Forum bar.

A bit of a geek? Get along to Preston Geekup

Snap from a previous Preston Geekup event

Snap from a previous Preston Geekup event

If you like your web/technology and want to meet like-minded people and talk tech then get along to Preston Geekup at Forum on Tuesday 16th February 2009.

It’s part of the Geekup web community that organises meet-ups of people who work in web development, web design or any other web/tech related industry.

There’s no charge for attending, they just ask that you buy your own beer and apparently there may be some free cake at the event. Massive win.

You can confirm your attendance via Upcoming, find out more about Geekup or fire a tweet at the organiser @ruby_gem on Twitter.